Trying to decide what to say on the issue, I find that the focus keeps shifting. People know they want change, but they don't know who to put. People know what they're against, but they have little idea of what they're for. The politics has become so reactionary it makes little sense when looked at soberly.
Players change sides so easily, it seems both major parties are really two sided of the same coin. Where is the ideology? Where is the rallying over national issues that take us forward? Yes we have a corrupt Government that we are trying to remove, who we are replacing with the same party that we used them to remove in the first place. Just that point should make us pause to think, but it seems that that is the one thing that is not allowed in DA politics.
Party hacks and fanatics on both sides overwhelm you with why you should remove the other side, without really telling you why you should support their side. The absence of the issues is what leaves us all adrift come the morning after election, and the stale sweet taste of seminal victory lasts only until 'Our' 'New' side lets us down, and a member gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
We could spend days talking about the corrupt and their corruption, and both sides are disgusting with it, and our politics stinks to high heaven because of it and I wonder; Why do we, the vast majority, the backbone and rightful owners of this country, why do we let this continue? Who decided that to make a difference you had to be in one of these two factions? who told you that you had to be corrupt and only support who will give you something? Who? They lied to you. And that lie is what keeps us in bondage. Look, the slavery we talk about ended two hundred years ago, while the real slave masters wine for us every five years.
My brothers and sisters I implore you to look at your hearts and find the decent incorruptible man and woman in you and refuse their handouts. Insist on information and intentions instead. Look at your elderly and your young and by your actions make a better world for them.
It is never too late and there is no better time than now.
Once again we have a chance to change our nation for the better, to inherit the blessings we've been given and to pass them on better than we got them.
Stand up.
Make yourself available, either as an independent or support your closest independent. Let us populate that Pinkhouse with Representatives of the People, and not party hacks and pardners in the party.
Say I will, so we can.
Together we can rebuild this once proud and beautiful nation.
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