Further to many discussions over the course of the last two years and events that have occurred within that time frame, it is fair to assume that the Country is currently politically challenged and starved for new blood and fresh ideas outside of the cultures of greed and exchange.
The refreshing counterbalance and hope seems to lie in the vast amount of bright people capable of bringing real change and willing to make themselves available in service of the nation, and it is from this we find hope in the possibility of a better tomorrow.
We believe that perhaps it may be time to look at a new dispensation; an organization formed, not in reaction to the DLP and the UWP but something new, built on a vision of a better Dominica, a group dedicated to the concept of Country First and mindful of the legacy we are leaving for our children and the future generations.
The idea is to meet and discuss how exactly do we go forward.
Ideally we would form ourselves into a structured committee with a mandate to identify which would be the better road to take - either as a lobby/pressure group with objectives and plans to encourage Government compliance, or evolve into a formal Political Party and create our own Contract with Dominica.
Either way, we would need to create constituency groups to identify and manage constituency issues, potential candidates and campaigns, create an organizational structure, write policy documents a framework document for a Party constitution, as well a team to draft the above mentioned contract.
The purpose of this memo is to invite all those who might be interested in this sort of national service and who would like to be a part of something like this to post to the wall.
This organization does not intend to be another vehicle for self promotion or an avenue to greed, but rather a group of civic minded individuals who are willing to lend themselves in defense of our beautiful country and in service to create a better day for all.
People's Partnership of Dominica
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