Thursday, February 3, 2011

It have APPS for dat...

There's a new catch phrase being used by advertisers to market the ease with which a thing that is one thing can be something else with the aid of a change agent called an 'App' (short for Application).

Which got me thinking of all the ways we Dominicans twist reality to suit our own agenda....


You're appointed the Productivity Consultant, yet you do not know the terms and conditions of your appointment?

It have APPS for dat...

You want to talk big and strong with everybody and opine on everything under the sun but you cannot keep your bitch from jumping your neighbour's fence?

It have APPS for dat...

Want to make a quick twenty-two million for your elections campaign by selling Public Works compound for $1M but collecting the balance of money from the real sale price?

It have APPS for dat...

Want to bring down your own Party by providing Trevor Johnson with confidential Cabinet decisions but still expect Skerrit to choose you to run at the snap General Elections?

It have APPS for dat...

Want to get pass the Misuse of Computer Act but cannot admit that you are illegally wire-tapping cellphones of innocent citizens?
It have APPS for dat...

Want to challenge for leadership of one Party while the country has not forgiven you for traveling overseas to find the non-existence of the Union Bank of America?
It have APPS for dat...

Want to keep getting big State sponsored contracts regardless of who's in power by knowing who to pay the kickback to?

It have APPS for dat....

Want to make billions selling people pigeons that don't look anything like the chicken in the ad or the pictures in the store and get people to believe it's finger lickin' good?

It have APPS for dat...

Want to conspire with friends to steal millions  from the treasury and when caught use evasive trickery and fancy spin-doctoring  to avoid legal action?

It have APPS for dat...

Want people to work on Sundays but whenever there is a murder in the country you want to have a Day of National Prayer?
It have APPS for dat...

You attack Jerry Brisbane saying he has committed treason but decides to cancel a tender process to allow for Public Open Tender?
It have APPS for dat...

Want to get a job for which you're woefully under qualified by blowing whistles, flutes and other gadgets?

It have APPS for dat...

You think you deserve duty-free concessions for your Mercedes Benz but when you decide to ban Q95 for using your property you think we should not ask questions?

It have APPS for dat...

Want to use your position to get out of following laws, and if caught breaking them, use the same position to evade being charged?

It have APPS for dat...

Want to be an Ambassador to a foreign land with the only qualification being who you know or who you BLEW?

It have APPS for dat...

It seems that anyone or anything could be something else if you have enough imagination or lack sufficient ethics so as to still be able to look yourself in the eye.

Regardless of how crazy your intentions sound you need not worry, because as long as the people who have the power to do right are more than willing to do wrong...

There'll be an App for dat...

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