The Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica seems to have abdicated his chief responsibility as Leader of the entire nation and seems stuck playing the role of leader of a Political Party; his choices and decisions, while charming and endearing to those within his Party, are having a seriously negative follow on effect to the rest of the citizenry which (by the way) includes a significant many on all levels who 'took a chance' and voted him and his Party into Office.
Someone needs to remind him that this is not fancy hat day at kindergarten but a serious responsibility and one that cannot be taken lightly if one does not want to be the cause of much distress.
An example of a storm in a tea cup on his watch becoming a raging hurricane is the adamant refusal of the Prime Minister to do the right thing and apologize for his massive faux pas regarding the bin and fertilizer bobols; to confound the issue and to make partisan politics out of simple, bungling, incompetence on his part. Instead, the Prime Minister accused talkshow host, Lennox Linton, of being mischievous.
Now this is blatant showboating, and while it may score political points with the DLP supporters, the rest of the population are getting highly annoyed and agitated at being made to feel like second class citizens in their own country.
I am no rocket scientist but I HAVE seen many an argument become a fight, and when it starts it is usually over the slight and not the specific event; to my view Mr. Skerrit is playing fast and loose with his conferred authority where he ought to be demonstrating statesman like calm and control.
Is this the tone we want of our Leaders?
Another issue to note and one of serious concern, Tunisia and all of its current woes seem to have erupted out of a situation eerily similar to the corruption debacle with similar causes and effects; those most affected by this mess do not seem to see this Administration as their friend or ally and are harboring much discontent; if we add to that the slowing economy and the frustrated unemployed , one does not have to do advanced math to arrive at a gloomy forecast.
It is because of this brewing discontent that I again advise the Prime Minister that he needs to take his job a lot more seriously; there is too much dry tinder laying about for my liking and we should really not be flinging idle sparks around at this time.
The citizens of this country need to see a Government and not a political Party, and it needs to see a Government that understands all that is required to steer the ship of State through the currently turbulent waters.
The pressing issues and those over which this Administration campaigned itself into Office cannot be deflected away no matter how hard the spin doctors try, and at some point we are going to have to confront the issue of competence and deal with it rationally if we are going to avoid some unpleasant business.
Something to think about...
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