Thursday, February 17, 2011

All Shall Eat... Nowhere Near the Promised Land

To the Editor
Dominica Politics Watch

Empty-hollow-overkill, rhetoric, unsubstantiated innuendo, mischief, misdirection, deflection, shock and awe.

These words effectively define the art of communication DLP style, post December 18th 2009.

Unlike the flowery courtship lyrics used on the hustings to flirt with and 'sweet talk' the voters, the language of this Administration has soured over the last fourteen months as one by one the members lose their composure and reveal themselves to the populace as arrogant, incompetent, contemptuous opportunists.

With little or no successes to buoy them through the rough patches, this unimpressive Administration's almost legendary failings are dragging them below the acceptable popularity index and is causing many diehard supporters to hide their heads in shame.

Is this what replaced the Lion of DLP politics Rosie Douglas? 

Even when hobbled and bleeding, his euphemisms lifted the listener and sent most scurrying for their dictionaries.

The lack of class displayed by the current Minister of Health is an indelible embarrassment on the national memory, as is the thuggish antics of Reginald Austrie in the House, the comic incendiary explosiveness of the Minister of Education and the forever 'off the handle' churlish attitude of the Prime Minister .

Charles Savarin's handling of Jerry Brisbane on air for everyone to see was a display of grandiose perceived power that has never been effectively dealt with and has scarred the Skerrit administration possibly for life.

The appointments of under-qualified party hacks to State Boards only underscores the lack of professionalism in the hiring practices of this Government and goes to the heart of its incompetence.

It was never about Dominica.

It was packaged and sold to us as that, with a list of reasons that demonized the last Administration out of Office, but only so that the current group could enjoy the spoils.

Like many of my Freedom Party friends who still support the Dominica Labour Party, we are only in this pappyshow with one toe left, waiting for the last straw or for a better offer, because what we got into bed with under Rosie in 2000 is not who we woke up with on December 19th 2009.

Worse, it wasn't just a one night stand, and we have to look at that line up day in and day out for at least another four more years barring some sort of miracle.

As it stands, the Public Sector workers are unhappy, the Private Sector is hurting, the poor are suffering and even the protective services are ready to rumble whenever the call for revolution is made, and all we're still hearing is "Father Skerrit" from Petter St. Jean.


This Government does not appear to have any answers to the problems that plague our country and no one seems to be taking the Prime Minister's explanations and platitudes seriously anymore.

Someone asked me in council if given the opportunity to advise the Prime Minister on a way forward what would I suggest, and for the first time I found myself completely stumped; I mean, what do you do, what do you say, when you realize that your Government's best interest and your country's best interest are  mutually exclusive properties?

Regardless of the talk, spin, rewrite, attack, defend, whatever, the unadulterated, cold-water-in-your-face, unvarnished truth is that this Government is perilously close to having failed in Office and even their own supporters have no idea how to defend them now.

It seems that they have found themselves completely up a river without a paddle and their major weapon has run out of steam.

Tony Astaphan, this is not about Eddo and the UWP anymore...

Dominica Labour Party Supporter

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The State of Politics in Dominica

Trying to decide what to say on the issue, I find that the focus keeps shifting. People know they want change, but they don't know who to put. People know what they're against, but they have little idea of what they're for. The politics has become so reactionary it makes little sense when looked at soberly.

Players change sides so easily, it seems both major parties are really two sided of the same coin. Where is the ideology? Where is the rallying over national issues that take us forward? Yes we have a corrupt Government that we are trying to remove, who we are replacing with the same party that we used them to remove in the first place. Just that point should make us pause to think, but it seems that that is the one thing that is not allowed in DA politics.


Party hacks and fanatics on both sides overwhelm you with why you should remove the other side, without really telling you why you should support their side. The absence of the issues is what leaves us all adrift come the morning after election, and the stale sweet taste of seminal victory lasts only until 'Our' 'New' side lets us down, and a member gets caught with their hand in the cookie jar. 

We could spend days talking about the corrupt and their corruption, and both sides are disgusting with it, and our politics stinks to high heaven because of it and I wonder; Why do we, the vast majority, the backbone and rightful owners of this country, why do we let this continue? Who decided that to make a difference you had to be in one of these two factions? who told you that you had to be corrupt and only support who will give you something? Who? They lied to you. And that lie is what keeps us in bondage. Look, the slavery we talk about ended two hundred years ago, while the real slave masters wine for us every five years.

My brothers and sisters I implore you to look at your hearts and find the decent incorruptible man and woman in you and refuse their handouts. Insist on information and intentions instead. Look at your elderly and your young and by your actions make a better world for them.
It is never too late and there is no better time than now.

Once again we have a chance to change our nation for the better, to inherit the blessings we've been given and to pass them on better than we got them.

Stand up.

Make yourself available, either as an independent or support your closest independent. Let us populate that Pinkhouse with Representatives of the People, and not party hacks and pardners in the party.

Say I will, so we can.

Together we can rebuild this once proud and beautiful nation.

Going Forward... (People's Partnership of Dominica)

Further to many discussions over the course of the last two years and events that have occurred within that time frame, it is fair to assume that the Country is currently politically challenged and starved for new blood and fresh ideas outside of the cultures of greed and exchange. 

The refreshing counterbalance and hope seems to lie in the vast amount of bright people capable of bringing real change and willing to make themselves available in service of the nation, and it is from this we find hope in the possibility of a better tomorrow.

We believe that perhaps it may be time to look at a new dispensation; an organization formed, not in reaction to the DLP and the UWP but something new, built on a vision of a better Dominica, a group dedicated to the concept of Country First and mindful of the legacy we are leaving for our children and the future generations.

The idea is to meet and discuss how exactly do we go forward.

Ideally we would form ourselves into a structured committee with a mandate to identify which would be the better road to take - either as a lobby/pressure group with objectives and plans to encourage Government compliance, or evolve into a formal  Political Party and create our own Contract with Dominica.

Either way, we would need to create constituency groups to identify and manage constituency issues, potential candidates and campaigns, create an organizational structure, write policy documents a framework document for a Party constitution, as well a team to draft the above mentioned contract.

The purpose of this memo is to invite all those who might be interested in this sort of national service and who would like to be a part of something like this to post to the wall.

This organization does not intend to be another vehicle for self promotion or an avenue to greed, but rather a group of civic minded individuals who are willing to lend themselves in defense of our beautiful country and in service to create a better day for all.

Trevor Johnson

People's Partnership of Dominica

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Parental Advice to the Dominican Yout...

If you want your children to survive and succeed in this world, you need to be careful what you teach them.

Be honest with them so that they are prepared for the dramas of life without being constrained by ethical dilemmas or foolhardy notions of nice guys winning and heroism earning the highest reward.

Avoid the issues of morality and fair play for as long as you can, for while they will most likely encounter these concepts in fairytales and childhood movies, explain to them that the real world doesn't function that way and the good guy usually finishes last.

Show them how to justify for the big picture, and how to rationalize choices against other options; show them the crowd view and contrast it to the silly concept of right and wrong that usually has no real place in real world situations.

Teach them the golden rule - that the end justifies the means, that what people mean and what they say are usually two completely different things, and what they do may be another thing again altogether.

If you love your children you need to be honest with them about religion, love and politics, the rules of friendship and the expectations of citizens.

Teach them the power of the mob.

Explain the concept of right through might and strength in numbers.

Instill in them a sense of survival at all costs, even at another's expense.

Teach them to cover their head in a fall, their face in a fight and their ass in any negotiation.

To do unto others before they do unto you, and if that fails call a lawyer.

Let them know that in the real world you only look out for numero uno and who dares wins.

That nothing matters other than personal enrichment and there are no wrong paths on that journey.

Let them know that there is nothing or no-one that money cannot buy.

If you teach your children these values properly they will grow up to be successful Businessmen, Bankers, Lawyers, Judges and Politicians.

If you do not teach your children these things they will grow up to be dysfunctional adults expecting everyone to play fair and for the world to make sense.

They will believe that promises made will be kept and that another's word can be as strong as a bond.

They will show compassion and give ground, bend over backwards and take the high road.

They will give up their seat to strangers, their time and advice at no cost and their service at great personal expense.

They will do these things without question as to benefit to self, will most likely never have enough to be considered rich and will probably be taken advantage of and disappointed by the unscrupulous every step of the way.

The quality of life they lead will come down to the choices they make based on the values you instill in them.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It have APPS for dat...

There's a new catch phrase being used by advertisers to market the ease with which a thing that is one thing can be something else with the aid of a change agent called an 'App' (short for Application).

Which got me thinking of all the ways we Dominicans twist reality to suit our own agenda....


You're appointed the Productivity Consultant, yet you do not know the terms and conditions of your appointment?

It have APPS for dat...

You want to talk big and strong with everybody and opine on everything under the sun but you cannot keep your bitch from jumping your neighbour's fence?

It have APPS for dat...

Want to make a quick twenty-two million for your elections campaign by selling Public Works compound for $1M but collecting the balance of money from the real sale price?

It have APPS for dat...

Want to bring down your own Party by providing Trevor Johnson with confidential Cabinet decisions but still expect Skerrit to choose you to run at the snap General Elections?

It have APPS for dat...

Want to get pass the Misuse of Computer Act but cannot admit that you are illegally wire-tapping cellphones of innocent citizens?
It have APPS for dat...

Want to challenge for leadership of one Party while the country has not forgiven you for traveling overseas to find the non-existence of the Union Bank of America?
It have APPS for dat...

Want to keep getting big State sponsored contracts regardless of who's in power by knowing who to pay the kickback to?

It have APPS for dat....

Want to make billions selling people pigeons that don't look anything like the chicken in the ad or the pictures in the store and get people to believe it's finger lickin' good?

It have APPS for dat...

Want to conspire with friends to steal millions  from the treasury and when caught use evasive trickery and fancy spin-doctoring  to avoid legal action?

It have APPS for dat...

Want people to work on Sundays but whenever there is a murder in the country you want to have a Day of National Prayer?
It have APPS for dat...

You attack Jerry Brisbane saying he has committed treason but decides to cancel a tender process to allow for Public Open Tender?
It have APPS for dat...

Want to get a job for which you're woefully under qualified by blowing whistles, flutes and other gadgets?

It have APPS for dat...

You think you deserve duty-free concessions for your Mercedes Benz but when you decide to ban Q95 for using your property you think we should not ask questions?

It have APPS for dat...

Want to use your position to get out of following laws, and if caught breaking them, use the same position to evade being charged?

It have APPS for dat...

Want to be an Ambassador to a foreign land with the only qualification being who you know or who you BLEW?

It have APPS for dat...

It seems that anyone or anything could be something else if you have enough imagination or lack sufficient ethics so as to still be able to look yourself in the eye.

Regardless of how crazy your intentions sound you need not worry, because as long as the people who have the power to do right are more than willing to do wrong...

There'll be an App for dat...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Rise Black Man Rise...

I recently heard Anthony Astaphan tell the population that if Renneth "Bubbles" Alexis was a white man Lennox Linton would not have had anything to say about his "sudden rise to economic wealth".
Since when is Anthony Astaphan a champion of the black youtman?  And why has he not been able to advise his Prime Minister to champion the cause of the black youtman?

Why as it not the first priority of the Prime Minister once ensconced in the highest Office in the land where he COULD make a difference to elevate the black youth?

Why was it not the PM's focus to encourage them to strive for greatness and put themselves shoulder to shoulder with the other minority races?

With so many black issues being inextricably woven to negative national issues, and with black people remaining at the bottom rung of the social ladder and exploited for so long by their own kind and by others, why no Ministry of the Ghetto & Youth Empowerment?

This is not meant to be political, but why isn't this a priority of his Administration to convene studies, to set up policies, to create initiatives that would encourage black men to raise the children they father in a loving, respectful home, where they could learn to love and value themselves, their families and their children and dream of a better life for themselves and their loved ones?
I recently read a study that surmised that around the age of puberty, black male youth comes face to face with himself as he relates to the world and the choices he makes beyond that self realization determines the tone of the rest of his life; the most noteworthy conclusion of the study was that the decisions made at that point are (simply put) primarily affected (either positively or negatively) by the presence of a strong male role model in his world.

Reading that statement one may want to interject  that the same could be applied to all races and that would be true for the most part save and except that no other race in this country is pulled in such competing directions from so young, and that the choices available to black youth are so limited and diametrically opposed to each other that every step travelled in the wrong direction takes him further and further from any redemption. If Heaven forbid he makes the wrong choice he almost dooms himself to a violent end, and yet black men in society seem to be content to leave their progeny to raise themselves as if social conditioning and personal development are not taught values. 

It is almost as if triumphing over adversity is the one true legacy of black youth in society.

We live in a country where it is common to say that 'we all want to like we self' and that is fine; but raising children to successful adulthood is a responsibility that cannot be ignored and if we want a better world for them, the onus is on us to like them more.

As an aside but important to the overall discussion, I remain astonished at the behavior of some black leaders who, having risen out of poverty themselves, walk away from their brothers and sisters and leave their issues and pressing causes in the dirt.

Why do they do this?

Why not instead fight to make blackness synonymous with greatness and success, with family values instead of ghetto values, with nation building instead of hustling?

This is not Darfur, Somalia or Haiti, where poverty is all but guaranteed; there are opportunities available to the poor in this land.

These opportunities ought to be used and exploited for the good of the children so that they could have a future that does not include terms like 'incarceration' and 'known to the authorities,' but someone has to mould their minds to help them make the correct choices.

Forget all the talk about the State's responsibility; far and above all else the children need proper and committed parenting.

I have noted before that the retail and fastfood cartels in the country do not encourage little middle eastern boys to be 'gangsta' and little white girls to be 'ho's,' so why are are our leaders being allowed to portray black youth in this manner? 

Why hasn't black leadership come out vociferously against this 'ghetto-rization' of their children?

There is no getting away from the fact that the responsibility lies squarely at the feet of the black man who, long emancipated and liberated in the real world, seems to still find himself shackled in his mind. The Caribbean business model STILL wants to refer to black people as worker drones and consumers, and this lack of respect will not change until change is demanded by word and action, and cannot continue unless it is first allowed by the very people themselves.

There is a vacuum of real leadership in the black community, and this may very well be the root of its destruction. You cannot escape yourself and your heritage by changing your hair and your clothes, and the best advice I can offer at this point is to do like the other races and rewrite the past by your actions in the present and the future.

In the words of Bob Marley - "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds..."

Rome Ka Tombay?

The Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Dominica seems to have abdicated his chief responsibility as Leader of the entire nation and seems stuck playing the role of leader of a Political Party; his choices and decisions, while charming and endearing to those within his Party, are having a seriously negative follow on effect to the rest of the citizenry which (by the way) includes a significant many on all levels who 'took a chance' and voted him and his Party into Office.

Someone needs to remind him that this is not fancy hat day at kindergarten but a serious responsibility and one that cannot be taken lightly if one does not want to be the cause of much distress.

An example of a storm in a tea cup on his watch becoming a raging hurricane is the adamant refusal of the Prime Minister  to do the right thing and apologize for his massive faux pas regarding the bin and fertilizer bobols; to confound the issue and to make partisan politics out of simple, bungling, incompetence on his part. Instead, the Prime Minister accused talkshow host, Lennox Linton, of being mischievous.

Now this is blatant showboating, and while it may score political points with the DLP supporters, the rest of the population are getting highly annoyed and agitated at being made to feel like second class citizens in their own country.

I am no rocket scientist but I HAVE seen many an argument become a fight, and when it starts it is usually over the slight and not the specific event;  to my view Mr. Skerrit is playing fast and loose with his conferred authority where he ought to be demonstrating statesman like calm and control.

Is this the tone we want of our Leaders?

Another issue to note and one of serious concern, Tunisia and all of its current woes seem to have erupted out of a situation eerily similar to the corruption debacle with similar causes and effects; those most affected by this mess do not seem to see this Administration as their friend or ally and are harboring much discontent; if we add to that the slowing economy and the frustrated unemployed  , one does not have to do advanced math to arrive at a gloomy forecast.

It is because of this brewing discontent that I again advise the Prime Minister that he needs to take his job a lot more seriously; there is too much dry tinder laying about for my liking and we should really not be flinging idle sparks around at this time.

The citizens of this country need to see a Government and not a political Party, and it needs to see a Government that understands all that is required to steer the ship of State through the currently turbulent waters.

The pressing issues and those over which this Administration campaigned itself into Office cannot be deflected away no matter how hard the spin doctors try, and at some point we are going to have to confront the issue of competence and deal with it rationally if we are going to avoid some unpleasant business.

Something to think about...