Monday, January 31, 2011

March 11, 2011 General Elections?

Elections season again? 

Hartley Henry is back in town. Skerrit is secretly meeting with his advisor and top officials of the Dominica Labour Party. Word from my informants is that Roosevelt Skerrit is looking at a March 11, 2011 General Elections in Dominica. 

Why a General Elections so soon after the Decemeber 18, 2009 landslide victory? 

Well, we all know that Skerrit is before the Courts accused of holding dual-citizenship, which is a breach of the electoral laws of the Commonwealth of Dominica. The Skerrit Administration has also been accused of widespread allegations since its re-election on December 18, 2009. Accusations of fraud, money-laundering, arson and widespread misuse of public office for personal gain of members of the Dominica Labour Party, family, friends and GIRLFRIENDS.

It is also alleged that there is split within the Dominica Labour Party, with Roosevelt Skerrit having the support of thirteen Members of Parliament and Ambrose George having the support of rest of the DLP Members of Parliament.

Let's try to understand why a March 11, 2011 General Elections would make sense for Roosevelt Skerrit.

Senior Counsel Anthony Astaphan was successful in delaying the electoral petition against Roosevelt Skerrit until March 10, 2011. The SC claimed that the delay was the fault of the petitioners even though  it was the attorneys for the respondent who filed late. Why would the respondents welcome a delay? Why wouldn't Roosevelt Skerrit seek to legitimatize his position in the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica by seeking a quick decision by the Courts?

We know that the petitioners have a very strong case, and they are expected to be victorious at the Courts.  So what? Why not ask Sam Martin to resign to allow Roosevelt Skerrit to contest the Sourfriere Constituency in a bye-election? Well, reliable sources have indicated that the MP's of Soufriere, Colihaut and St. Joseph have all resisted attempts to have them resign, which leaves Roosevelt Skerrit with only one option, that is to call a snap General Elections.

One of the electoral petitions by the Opposition was the claim of widespread bribery by the ruling Dominica Labour Party. It is alleged that the ruling party paid the airfares of thousands of Dominicans to return to Dominica to vote at the December 18, 2009 General Elections. However, the petitioners failed to convince the Courts have this petitions heard  on a TECHNICALITY.

Word on the ground is that tickets have already been purchased for individuals to travel to Dominica for the next General Elections.

As we indicated above, the opposition failed to convince the judge to have the petition on bribery heard before the Court on a technicality. As such, if bribery is to reoccur it would be expected that the Opposition would do everything possible to ensure that their petition would not fail again on a technicality. Meanwhile, the ruling Labour Party would also ensure that their house is in order! Thus, the reason for March 11, 2011 General Elections.

Carnival 2011 is to be held on March 7 and 8 this year, and we are expecting thousands of Dominicans to return for the celebrations and sewo. Wouldn't it make sense for the ruling Dominica Labour Party to import its overseas based voters at this time under the guise that they are returning to Play Mas? Would the Opposition be able to convince a Judge that people were once again bribed with airfares to return to vote for the ruling Labour Party?

A March 11, 2011 General Elections is a great possibility...

The only other possible date for a General Elections, based on the reason for calling one in March, would be Monday, February 28, 2011.

Something to think about...


  1. militant on moralityFebruary 6, 2011 at 6:11 AM

    You will stay anonymous, little brainwashed devil
